Jean Le Creurer
Director - UBO Services

Fund Operations & Management, Nordic Capital Group Board
Jean joined Nordic Capital Limited in April 2007. Jean is a Director on Nordic Capital Limited and on all the general partners’ boards of the Predecessor Funds and Continuation Vehicle. She holds a Bachelor of Business (Hon) from Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland, qualified as a Chartered Accountant in November 1998 and is currently a FCA member of Chartered Accountants Ireland. From 1999 to 2001, she worked with Ernst and Young in the Cayman Islands where she was involved in the audit and advisory practise for various financial services clients, including hedge funds, trusts, captive insurance vehicles, banks and many others. In 2001, Jean joined Abacus Financial Services Group in Jersey and was responsible for the operations of private equity funds. Jean joined Nordic Capital Limited from the Aztec Group where she concentrated on a select number of private equity clients.