Podcast: Elin Ljung, Head of Communications & Sustainability, reflects on the PE industry’s sustainable transformation and the main challenges ahead


In this episode of the podcast Sustainability Talks, Elin Ljung, Managing Director – Head of Communications & Sustainability, Nordic Capital Advisors, discusses sustainability as part of investment and ownership processes. She highlights a few cases in which Nordic Capital, by incorporating this mindset, has created long term value creation.

Elin Ljung joined Nordic Capital in 2017 with the ambition to drive sustainable transformation. Since then, the industry has undergone fundamental changes, not least in connection to how potential investments are analysed and evaluated. In this episode of Sustainability Talks, Elin delves into how sustainability has been on investors' agenda for a long time, but that the speed in which change is happening has increased massively in the past 7-10 years.

Whereas the industry has evolved in a positive direction, she lists a few KPIs and challenges that will become main priorities in the years to come.

"I've worked within companies and with sustainable investments for some time. It's great to see all the progress and innovation, and this is, without doubt, one of the most thrilling times to be in the industry. What we see today is that much earlier in the process of identifying and evaluating whether an investment opportunity is sustainable or not, this is done both from an environmental and social perspective," Elin Ljung said.

In the episode, Elin reflects on her own background, Nordic Capital’s active and data-driven ownership approach, and how companies can drive the sustainable transformation in society.

Key themes:

  • Introduction to Private Equity: How does the PE model work? What are the benefits and differences compared to other ownership? Who are the investors?
  • Nordic Capital’s sustainability approach and ways of including ESG to create lasting value
  • The PE industry’s sustainable transformation – from relatively insignificant interest to measuring and valuing ESG KPIs in the same way as financial figures and key financial data

Listen to the episode here (in Swedish).