Nordic Capital Annual and Sustainability Review 2022

APRIL 14 2023

2022 was turbulent. Geopolitical tensions provided a fertile ground for market uncertainty to grow – and as the world economy has navigated unknown terrain, inflation and interest rates have skyrocketed. This left no one unscathed, but for Nordic Capital, 2022 is also recognised for impressive strides, prestigious acknowledgements, sustainability achievements and a record-breaking exit and fundraise.

In October, Nordic Capital closed its largest fund to date, Nordic Capital XI, at the hard cap of EUR 9 billion. The fund close succeeded against a backdrop of the most intense competition experienced in European fundraising history. It was a strong sign of how investors handed a vote of confidence in Nordic Capital.

Nordic Capital also signed an agreement to divest The Binding Site, valued at GBP 2.25 billion. This marked the culmination of a successful partnership and the start of an exciting next phase for the Company. Nordic Capital, also, completed eight acquisitions of high-potential companies within its designated sectors and key markets.

“Despite the challenging economic conditions, we have continued to see an interesting deal pipeline over the last twelve months. Going forward, the most successful private equity funds will be those that take a specialist approach, understanding specific segments within their selected sectors and applying genuine operational expertise. Even in challenging conditions, companies and business models with strong growth drivers, scalable profitability and resilient operations will continue to be attractive investments,” said Kristoffer Melinder, Managing Partner, Nordic Capital Advisors.

Nordic Capital is an active and engaged owner that works in close collaboration with its portfolio companies. The emphasis lies on supporting the portfolio companies to establish fundamental processes to enable sustainability integration across the business, and to apply a data-driven approach to ensure sustainability performance. With a continuous strive-to-drive progress to create lasting results, Nordic Capital is proud to share its 2022 achievements in the report.

To find out more, please read the Nordic Capital Annual and Sustainability Review 2022