DECEMBER 14 2012
During Capio's eight European Works Council Meeting in Paris, on 29-30 November 2012, a new European Works Council agreement, in accordance with the new EU directive 2009/38/EG, was signed. The new agreement offers, among many other improvements, stronger definitions of information and consultation.
The aim of the agreement is that communication in the Capio Group should be open, multidirectional and based on mutual respect. The agreement should be seen as an opportunity to increase understanding of the business, units and markets within the Group. It will contribute to a transfer of knowledge, development of the corporate culture and creating a learning organisation.
Changes to the new European Works Council agreement include:
• Improved and distinct processes for information and consultation
• Broader definition of transnational issues - relevant to more than two member countries.
• Revised composition of the Capio European Works Council - resulting in an increased number of employee representatives
• Improvements concerning time, resources and visiting rights for EWC members
"Good co-operation between Capio's management and its employees, represented by European trade unions, is a very important part of the openness and transparency in communication that we are aiming for at all levels throughout Capio. The new agreement provides a strengthened platform for continued exchange of knowledge and ideas at a European level", says Thomas Berglund, CEO of Capio.
"We are very pleased with the outcome of the new EWC agreement which offers improved opportunities for the work of the European Works Council and the Capio employees it represents. With the improved definitions of information and consultation, we can now increase the level of transparency within the company and give the employee representatives the possibility to influence some of the decisions," says Kevin Thompson, of the Swedish Municipal Workers' Union and employee chairperson.
Additional topics presented for discussion by representatives of the Capio Group and Capio business areas were:
• Capio Group and Business Area updates
• An introduction to the acquisition of Carema Healthcare in Sweden
• Capio and the way ahead 2013-2015
The new Capio Works Council agreement follows the new European Works Council Directive, the intention of which is to increase dialogue between management and employees at all levels in the company. The directive is applicable to companies with at least 1,000 employees within the EU, and at least 150 employees in each of two EU member states. Capio is one of few healthcare companies that have taken the initiative to form a European Works Council.
Participating in the meeting were employees from Capio who are trade union reps and who represent Capio employees in different countries. Employee representatives were Bengt Sparrelid, Kevin Thompson and Julia Turner from Sweden; Johannes Heuer and Melanie Steffens from Germany; and Michèle Goya, Nicole Bouillon and Pierette Verdant (deputy) from France. Capio was represented by Thomas Berglund, Sveneric Svensson, Catherine Viatge, Linda Wallgren and Monica Angervall.
The next ordinary Capio EWC meeting has been scheduled for the spring of 2013.
Stockholm, 3 December 2012
For information, please contact:
Kevin Thompson Thomas Berglund
Employee Chairperson CEO
Capio EWC Capio
Telephone: +46 70 484 5605 Telephone: +46 73 388 8600